WHCA/WiCAL Members Advocate for LTC Funding at Legislative Hearings

During the month of April, the legislature’s budget-writing Joint Finance Committee (JFC) held a series of public hearings across the state to receive public input on how the legislature should prioritize spending within the 2023-25 biennial state budget.

Tiffany Wagner of Edenbrook – Wisconsin Rapids testifies about the need for additional SNF Medicaid investments to the Joint Finance Committee in Wisconsin Dells

The powerful committee held hearings in Waukesha (April 5), Eau Claire (April 11), Wisconsin Dells (April 12), and Minocqua (April 26). The long-term care sector was well-represented throughout these hearings, including testimony from several WHCA/WiCAL members who advocated for additional funding in long-term care – including for nursing home Medicaid reimbursement, Family Care funding, and LTC workforce initiatives like WisCaregiver Careers.

Along with participation in these JFC public hearings, WHCA/WiCAL members and WHCA/WiCAL’s lobbying team also held meetings at the Capitol with legislative leaders and members of the JFC in mid-March.

WHCA/WiCAL would like to thank the following member representatives for attending and testifying at JFC public hearings:

  • Lori Wright, REM WI/Sevita

    Lori Wright and Amy Tikkanen of REM WI/Sevita testify on the need for Family Care funding increases to the Joint Finance Committee in Wisconsin Dells

  • Tiffany Wagner, Eden Senior Care
  • Deb Klatkiewicz, Park Manor
  • Dana Decker, North Shore Healthcare
  • Lisa Olson, REM WI/Sevita
  • Amy Tikkanen, REM WI/Sevita